Software Testing

Testing is an essential part of the development process. By implementing a rigorous testing procedure into our work, we help our clients avoid system bugs, UX issues and a whole host of seemingly small errors, which, if left untreated, could lead to larger-scale problems. Our software testing services are second to none.

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Why 10Clouds’ testers can be relied on

Testing is an essential part of the development process. Our software testing services are second to none.

We are all invested in quality

While we have people specifically responsible for ‘testing’, we ensure that everyone in the team is deeply invested in quality assurance and that it permeates every area of our work from processes through to the code-writing. This spreading of responsibility reduces risk to a minimum.

We help you avoid risks and the costs associated with them

If issues are addressed at the design stage, there is no need to change code further down the line, which is a key way of avoiding bugs and system errors, which are likely to be very expensive to correct later.

We start software testing from the very beginning

We begin testing from the very first requirement gathering stage because we understand that it’s more cost-efficient to address issues early. We build our testing strategy at the outset, and prepare test scenarios before your app is ‘clickable.’

The main test types we work with:

Manual Testing

In manual testing, test cases are executed by humans. Tests might include both scripted and exploratory. The key concept of manual testing is to ensure that the digital product is error-free and is working in conformance with the specified functional requirements.

Automation Testing

Here, the software is tested using automation testing tools. It is usually recommended for longer term projects. The automation software enters test data into the system under test and compares expected and actual results. The outcome is generated in a detailed test report.

API Testing

This involves the testing by app layer, to determine whether it meets requirements for functionality and reliability. Thanks to API testing, once the logic is designed, tests can be built to validate the correctness in responses and data. When API tests fail, we know exactly where our system broke and where the defect can be found.

Load Testing

This should be planned especially when heavy load is expected. We cooperate with DevOps to prepare the tests and always discuss the required scope.

Security Testing

We cooperate with DevOps to add security checks to the build process in order to cover most common vulnerabilities.

Quality Audit

This is the process in which our clients’ software products are evaluated against the established standards and specification, so as to ensure that the developed product adheres to these standards.

What do you risk by not conducting tests?

We all know that failing to conduct tests is a risky business, but we may not be aware of the extent of the risk that we’re undertaking. At the severe end of the spectrum, a failure to test can result in bugs which cause a loss of customers and revenue, may lead to high resolution costs and may have a serious negative impact on your reputation. Read more about the risks involved in our blog post on the subject.

At 10Clouds, we understand that:

  • All tests need to be context dependent - so we always evaluate what tests will deliver the highest value in each project, and the time that this will take.
  • We need to make a decision on which product layers should be tested (i.e. Unit, API, b/e, f/e, alpha, beta or UAT) and how these tests should be conducted (manual, scripted, exploratory, or other).

Testing articles from our blog:

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