10Clouds Newsletter Terms and Regulations

What is the purpose of these Newsletter Terms and Regulations?

These Newsletter Terms & Regulations (“Regulations”) define the rules for using the newsletter services (“Newsletter”) provided by us, meaning 10Clouds S.A. (“we“ or “10Clouds”) with its registered office in Warsaw, Poland, at ul. Chmielna 73, 00-801 Warszawa, registered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000999233, Tax ID No. NIP: 1132852255, Business ID No. REGON: 145912556.

What is the “Newsletter”? Is it free of charge? (Yes!)

  • By the Newsletter we will provide to you (“Subscriber”) information, consisting of the most important industry news, information about 10Clouds, its products and services.
  • The Newsletter will contain also a special selection of the 10Clouds’ blog posts, publications, case studies, events, as well as the latest trends and news in software development.
  • Newsletter is provided for in a subscription model, it is free of charge and provided for unlimited time. 10Clouds may at its discretion decide to either suspend or discontinue the Newsletter.
  • Please note that the Newsletter is addressed only for businesses. It is not a consumer service. When subscribing you declare that you are acting in a business capacity.
  • Newsletter may also contain, among other things, links to materials for download. These materials will also be available for download or viewing free of charge, and Subscribers can do so at any time that suits them.
  • Selection of the news and other information is made by 10Clouds, at its discretion.
  • Any contents of the Newsletter are for purely informational and educational purposes. In particular, you should not make any business decisions or assumptions based on the Newsletter.
  • Please note that you are solely responsible for having an appropriate protection (virus, malware, etc.) software with valid license and which is up to date.
  • By viewing and downloading any publication, Subscribers are granted permission for non-commercial personal and professional use only.
  • In order to be able to access and use the Newsletter you will need an electronic device, such as a computer or smartphone, with Internet connection and an Internet browser. You will also need an active e-mail address.
  • Newsletter and its contents cannot in any way be used for illegal purposes.

How to subscribe to the Newsletter? (Hello there!)

  • In order to activate the Newsletter please enter you e-mail address into the appropriate box on a specific form or specific webpage within 10Clouds website. This will be the e-mail address to which we will send you our Newsletter.
  • After filing in the box with your e-mail address, go to your inbox (just in case: please check your SPAM folder as well). There you should find an activating e-mail from us.
  • Open the activating e-mail. Then please click a designated verifying hyperlink – as simple as that, your subscription will become active.

How to unsubscribe to the Newsletter? (Sorry that you are leaving…)

  • Each Newsletter e-mail will contain and “unsubscribe” hyperlink in the footer.
  • If you wish to unsubscribe please click on the hyperlink. Your subscription will be terminated immediately and automatically.
  • You can also unsubscribe at all times by sending such request to the following e-mail: marketing@10clouds.com. 10Clouds will unsubscribe you as soon as practicable.
  • Moreover, newsletter shall be provided based on the Subscriber’s consent to being provided with marketing information by the 10Clouds, which the Subscriber shall grant prior to signing up for the Newsletter. Such approval is voluntary, however, it is required for the provision of the service by the us. The Subscriber shall have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, which shall result in the removal of their email address from the Newsletter service distribution list and termination of the subscription.
  • Termination of the subscription is free of charge.

What if my Newsletter is not working properly or I have other complaints to make?

  • All complaints concerning the operation and contents of the Newsletter shall be directed to the following e-mail: marketing@10clouds.com.
  • Complaints have to contain data identifying particular Subscriber and provide a detailed description of malfunction or other complaint.
  • 10Clouds will reply and address any complaints as soon as practicable and provide a solution best suited to particular situation, at its discretion.
  • In case of interruption in provision of the Newsletter or other malfunction, you are not entitled to any compensation from 10Clouds as this is a free of charge service.

How about personal data and cookies?

  • For the purpose of the provision of the Newsletter, we shall process the Subscriber’s personal data as the Controller of the data. Detailed information on the processing of the Subscribers’ personal data is available at the following address: Privacy Policy.
  • For the purpose of sharing these materials, 10Clouds will collect email addresses and traffic data of subscribers, along with cookies. This data helps the company understand its audience better. For specifics please see: Privacy Policy.

Changes in these Newsletter Terms & Regulations and law applicable

  • We reserve the right to amend the Newsletter Terms & Regulations after advising the Subscriber in advance about that fact by email. The amended Regulations shall enter into force after 14 days from the Subscriber being advised of the changes, provided for that you have not unsubscribed from the Newsletter during that time.
  • These Terms & Regulations and the Newsletter are subject to laws of Poland.