Harness the power of Machine Learning and Generative AI

You can implement dedicated ML solutions, or integrate tools like ChatGPT to optimize your company's costs, improve internal efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage.

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Machine Learning and Generative AI Solutions

We've worked with AI companies of all sizes, as well as banks and FinTechs, specializing in everything from personal finances and wealth management, to business finance. Here's why we're the right choice for you when it comes to Machine Learning:

We understand the many benefits that Machine Learning can bring to business

We can implement ML solutions that will help your business to reduce costs, gain deeper customer insights, automate internal processes, improve fraud detection and more.

time managing
We can help you optimize your product with the use of ML

From roboadvisors and stock market forecasting, to fighting fraud, we've got the right people on hand to advise you on what solutions you need to optimize your FinTech product. If you operate in other industry, we’ll work together to find the right solution for your business, too.

We have a team of experts skilled in Al applications

We have developers in our midst who are experts in Al, particularly in the following areas: large language models, natural language processing, computer vision, and more. The team is on top of the latest developments in the Al application and we put them to use in our projects.

Our Machine Learning solutions

Here are some of our Machine Learning tools & services.

Customer service for FinTech, face ID for retail and many more.
Optical character recognition, face ID, chatbots and more.
Natural language processing, computer vision, automatic speech recognition, and more.
Security, threat or anomaly detection, predictive maintenance or data center automation.

Leveraging Cutting Edge Generative AI for Technology Companies

At 10Clouds, we have a deep understanding of the transformative power of generative AI for technology companies. We leverage solutions from trusted providers such as OpenAI, StableDiffusion, and Midjourney to help our clients optimize their operations and enhance their products.

Whether you want to improve your digital customer experience, automate internal processes, or streamline decision-making, our team of experts can help you select and implement the right generative AI tool. Our experience in working with various technology companies enables us to offer valuable guidance on implementing innovative solutions and maximizing the potential of generative AI.

Additionally, generative AI solutions that we use can provide actionable insights for marketing efforts, improve information sharing, and much more.

Artificial Intelligence and FinTech

You might be unsure about whether your financial services product would benefit from data science or other forms of artificial intelligence. Our advice would be to begin by looking at your USP.

Looking to improve your digital customer experience? Consider the implementation of a tailored chatbot. Want to eliminate fraudulent transactions and guarantee that your bank or Fintech is the safest on the market? Consider building an ML model for fighting fraud and building this into your product.

When looking to implement innovative solutions, the key is to focus on one element, rather than having a scattergun approach to ML. And this is exactly where we come in. We’ve worked with many banks and FinTech companies, and we’re well-placed to advise you on the areas in which ML can enhance your product and make it shine.

Do you need Artificial Intelligence?

The concepts of Machine Learning and artificial intelligence are often misinterpreted. We tend to think of them in terms of the revolutionary outcomes that they can produce but it depends on the use cases and the nature of the problems you’re trying to solve. We need to understand that although Machine Learning solves various complex problems, it is indeed not the solution to every problem that we face. Sometimes, it is overkill to apply such techniques to problems that could be solved otherwise using simpler and more straightforward approach.

At 10Clouds, we take the time to carefully evaluate your product needs and goals, and make honest suggestions about where ML and AI solutions will enhance your offer and drive your business, and where it’s just not worth implementing.

MLOps at 10Clouds

At 10Clouds, we pride ourselves on being one of the first software houses to embrace MLOps. It is all about making ML operational and creating implementable models that are vital to streamlining the maturation process of AI and ML projects within an organization.

MLOps is essentially DevOps for Machine Learning. It’s the collaborative relationship between data scientists and the operations or production teams. It is designed not only to improve automation to streamline with repeatable ML processes, but also to provide deeper, more consistent, and more useful insights, enabling us to provide you with customized solutions. Take a look here to find out more.

See some examples of our work

Trust Stamp

TrustStamp, a leading provider of AI-powered identity solutions, partnered with 10Clouds to overcome development and staffing challenges and achieved remarkable success.

10Clouds helped developed TrustStamp's state of the art proof of liveliness solution for KYC and computer vision tools for document verification.

This collaboration led to full-scale implementation, adoption by strategic partners, and TrustStamp's debut on NASDAQ.

The partnership exemplifies the power of collaboration and innovation, solidifying TrustStamp's position as a trusted identity solution provider.

Trust Stamp case study image

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