The value of project management conferences and workshops

15.09.2020 | 1 min read

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As a project manager, when you’re managing multiple client projects, it’s often difficult to carve out the time to attend conferences and workshops. But most Project Managers would agree that it’s important to do so. Why? Conferences and workshops are a great way to get familiar with all about new tools, techniques and developments in the field. In addition, they offer the opportunity to network and learn from peers working for a range of different organizations and agencies.

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Our Senior Agile Project Manager, Urszula Wawrzeniuk gives her thoughts on why conferences are important for Project Managers.

  • New methods to add to your toolbox: The world of Agile Project Management is constantly evolving, and conferences are a great way to keep up with the latest tools and techniques.
  • The ability to learn skills in practice: Even if you are already familiar with a given tool or method of working, a workshop will enable you to practice it within a new context, with different people offering up a different perspective.
  • The chance to find out about new trends: Project Management is a dynamic and agile environment itself which means that no PM should ever stop developing themselves. Conferences are good places in which to see all trends in one place and decide which is the most relevant to your context and company.
  • The chance to meet experts in person: Conferences offer the opportunity to learn from international speakers and famous coaches. Be sure to ask them questions that are relevant to your role and work - they are likely to offer you insight from their many years of experience.
  • Networking opportunities: One of the amazing things about attending conferences is the ability to meet with and speak to project management professionals who work for a vast range of different organizations, within many different industries. Often, a discussion might lead to you coming away with a new idea which you can adapt and implement in your own workplace.
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