The Art of Cloud-Carving — Happy International Design Day!

26.04.2022 | 3 min read

Design Team at a woodwork table preparing different materials

April 27 is International Design Day, a great opportunity to recognize the value of design and it’s capacity to bring about meaningful change. At 10Clouds, we see it as a chance to celebrate our wonderful (and growing!) design team.

This year, we organized a get-together for the team at WoodWorkshop based in the Warsaw Craft Centre. It’s a great place in which you can learn the art of carpentry - a skill which, as we discovered, requires patience and some good hand-to-eye coordination, much like the team’s daily work!

The whole design team got together for an 8-hour workshop and, with the help of a charismatic instructor, learnt how to shape wood elements, dye them and combine them to create a piece of art. There was an array of professional carpentry tools at their disposal, with many colors of paint and different types of wood to work with.

The team collaborated on crafting the image of a cloud in wood. You can see the effects of their work below. Not bad for a first attempt! We also had a professional photo session, a chance to have lunch together and to socialize in person, which is particularly important to us, as we have a remote-first working culture.

Agnieszka Zygmunt, who is a new Team Leader, found the experience particularly useful in terms of bonding with her team: “It was wondeful to finally see everyone in person. This type of social get-together was perfect for us - after all, is there anything that requires more cooperation and compromise than a dozen or so designers choosing one color palette together? And there was wood - I like cutting wood.”

We have team members working all over Poland and internationally. Dominika traveled to the workshops from Germany, while Ziemowit flew over from Scotland. Here’s what they had to say about the event.

Dominika Suska, Junior Product Designer says: “I was really excited to participate in a team-building event where we get to collaborate on quite a different project than on a daily basis. It was really interesting to observe what roles various people in our team would take in this rather unusual assignment. The best part of the woodworking workshop for me was to experience our team's dynamic in an offline setting and to see different teamwork styles when performing tasks such as painting, chopping, carving, and more.”

Ziemowit Kaczmarski, UX Designer says: “Even though working remotely is great, it was refreshing to finally meet the team in person and work on something together. The workshop was different from what we normally do so it was fun to see people in a different context. It was well organized and ran in a beautiful space in Warsaw, with a team of professionals and wood work enthusiasts.10Clouds also made sure we celebrated at the end of the day with delicious dinner and drinks! I can’t wait for the next team get-together!”

We can't wait for what the next Design Team social will bring. Watch this space!

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