Mind Crafting – Unlocking the Language of LLMs

06.11.2023 | 5 min read

As 2023 has shown us, artificial intelligence is at the forefront of a profound transformation, catalyzing a new era of innovation. Our very own AI consultant, Dmytro Levin, took center stage during our Mind Crafting Week to unveil the fascinating and useful world of Large Language Models (LLMs). In this extended blog post, we'll share Dmytro's insights and tips, delve into the history of AI models, and show you an example of one of our own use cases at 10Clouds. Let’s dive in!

A journey through AI evolution

Dmytro kicked off his presentation with a journey through AI history, revealing how pivotal milestones have crafted the landscape we know today. From the al-Jazari robots / automatas in 1180 +- as backstory of humans fantasies about AI to Joseph Weizenbaum's pioneering chatbot in 1966 and the advent of Generative AI Games in 1980, AI has traversed a remarkable path.

AI's evolution has accelerated in the last two decades.

2013 saw the launch of WORD2VEC – a revolutionary technique, developed by researchers at Google, which enabled machines to understand words in context, unlocking a new dimension in natural language processing. Essentially, WORD2VEC allowed AI to grasp the subtle nuances of language, vastly improving its ability to comprehend and generate human-like text.

But the true inflection point arrived in 2014 when Ian Goodfellow introduced the world to Generative Adversarial Networks, orGANs. These neural networks pitted two components—the generator and the discriminator—against each other. The generator aimed to produce content that resembled real data, while the discriminator sought to differentiate between genuine and synthetic output. This dueling dynamic led to an explosion of creativity in the AI realm.

The breakthroughs laid the foundation for the AI revolution we witness today, opening doors to countless innovative applications.

The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Dmytro then shifted our focus to Large Language Models (LLMs), which have been a game-changer in the AI landscape.

What exactly is an LLM? Simply put, LLMs are AI models trained to understand and generate human-like text.

These models are revolutionizing various fields, including machine translation, fact-checking, natural language processing, and more. They are the driving force behind many innovative AI applications we see today.

Working with LLMs – The power of prompting

To harness the capabilities of LLMs effectively, one needs to understand the art of prompting. A prompt is an input into the AI that sets context, goals, and constraints to generate the desired output. Dmytro outlined three types of prompts: explicit, implicit, and creative prompts.

  • Explicit prompts are specific and direct requests, like asking for a step-by-step recipe.
  • Implicit prompts allow the model to interpret the desired outcome, such as requesting information about a popular Japanese chicken noodle dish.
  • Creative prompts encourage the AI to generate imaginative and novel outputs, like imagining a conversation between different food items.

7 Steps to mastering prompting

Dmytro shared seven crucial steps to excel in prompting:

  • Set the initial focus by specifying a chosen persona.
  • Provide detailed context to guide the AI effectively.
  • Be clear and concise, avoiding language complexity.
  • Encourage multiple attempts and iterative communication.
  • Specify desired output using a step-by-step guide or a customized format.
  • Experiment with different prompting techniques, including emotional prompting.
  • Always double-check the results to ensure accuracy.

Top 5 easy-to-use approaches for effective prompting

Dmytro emphasized five key approaches for mastering the art of prompting:

  • Zero Chain of Thought: Instead of saying, "Do x for me," express your goal and collaborate to find the best approach.
  • Give the model time to think, fostering a collaborative process.
  • Use a "chain of thought" approach to guide the AI through the steps required to achieve a goal.
  • Apply task arithmetic and analogies to explain unfamiliar concepts through familiar patterns.
  • Employ emotional prompting by connecting with the AI and maintaining a respectful tone.

Empowering PDMs and Sales with AI – Two 10Clouds Use Cases

Now, let's delve into two practical applications of LLMs at 10Clouds, ones that streamline our internal processes and enhance collaboration.

Creation of a Product Delivery Management (PDM) Assistant

Imagine a scenario where our Product Delivery Managers (PDMs) are working on complex projects that involve intricate technical documentation. These documents are filled with technical jargon and terminology that can be challenging for PDMs without a technical background to decipher.

Using our intranet repository as guidance, the AI identifies all the technical terms and jargon used in the documentation. Then, it translates these terms into layman's terms that a PDM can easily understand. The result is a comprehensive glossary that includes the technical term, its non-technical translation, and a brief explanation.

For example, if the documentation includes the term "API," the AI assistant translates it to "Application Programming Interface" and provides a concise definition. This glossary becomes an invaluable resource for our PDMs, helping them bridge the gap between technical teams and project management.

Sales Assistant - Ops Estimation Analysis

In another scenario, we utilize Chat GPT 3.5 Turbo to enhance our sales operations. Our central information repository contains a wealth of data for each month, and we employ the system as a business analyst or data scientist to conduct comprehensive analysis of the context where potential customer requests are discussed. This analysis focuses on key areas, such as:

  • What solutions are people looking for?
  • What are the most commonly used keywords in these customer requests?
  • Are there any particular themes or industries that are particularly active in the channel?

The results are presented in a structured table, showing the number of requests per category, such as design, DevOps, backend, and more. Additionally, the analysis includes keywords that shed light on the specific needs and interests of our potential customers.

By leveraging LLMs in these ways, 10Clouds not only eases the workload of our teams but also improves collaborative work and strategic decision-making across the organization. It's a testament to how AI can enhance efficiency and streamline processes within any organization.

Unlocking the future with 10Clouds – Your AI journey begins here

As we stand on the cusp of an AI-driven future, the question arises: How can you harness the power of AI in your business to elevate productivity, enhance customer service, or unlock new horizons?

10Clouds can help. With our expertise and passion for innovation, we are poised to guide you through the AI landscape, helping you seize the transformative potential it offers.

Reach out today to find out more.

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