Your Product Delivery Partners – Introducing the Design Team

26.04.2023 | 5 min read

Introducing the Design Team

We’re continuing our series about the Product Delivery Dream Team, which features all the people you need to bring a successful digital product to market. Today, just in time for Designers Day, we’re profiling the design specialisms that we have at 10Clouds. Read on to find out why each of them plays an essential role in building an outstanding digital product.

Design can make or break a product

What role does design play in the market success of a digital product?

  • According to a study by Forrester Research, a well-designed user interface could improve website conversion rates by up to 200%.
  • The same study found that investing in user experience (UX) design could yield a return on investment (ROI) of up to 9,900%.
  • A report by Adobe revealed that companies that prioritize design outperform those that do not by 219% on the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.

All this reveals that design is a lot more than just a stunning user interface, engaging illustrations or a memorable brand. It’s actually the secret sauce of digital product success. But let’s delve deeper into the different design elements and the team members that play a key role in making each of these happen.

Who makes up the Design Dream Team?

The UX pro

User experience (UX) plays a critical role in the success of digital products. A skilled UX expert or team ensures that your product results in higher user satisfaction, engagement, and retention, ultimately resulting in increased revenue and customer loyalty. In today's competitive digital landscape, users have plenty of options and are more likely to abandon a product if they encounter a poor experience.

That’s why at 10Clouds, we always incorporate a user-centered approach in the product design process ensuring that the product meets the needs and expectations of the users, making it more likely to succeed in the market.

Our Lead UX Researcher, Agnieszka Zygmunt, says:

Even the best-looking and working product will make no sense on the market if no one wants it. That's why at 10C we care about support throughout the entire process of building a product – from idea validation, through understanding user needs, to ultimately ensuring that the completed product meets their expectations.

The product design expert

The product design expert is the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that every element of the product, from the user interface to the features and functionality, work in harmony to create a cohesive and intuitive user experience. They make sure that the design aligns with user needs and preferences while also making sure that the product stands out from competitors.

At 10Clouds our approach to product design goes beyond the current project scope, as we consider the bigger picture of your business strategy, brand identity, and plans for future products. We understand the importance of future-proofing our designs to ensure long-term success. This means anticipating potential changes and advancements in technology, market trends, and user needs, and designing with flexibility and scalability in mind.

Our Lead Product Designer, Krzysztof Juszczyk, says:

“The greatest challenge every designer faces in their daily work is to combine both aesthetics and function. One cannot exist without the other and to achieve this the highest level of craftsmanship is required. Product Designers at 10Clouds always strive for excellence by continuously expanding their knowledge, working alongside various stakeholders and demanding from themselves more than is requested.”

The visual design master

An excellent visual team is essential to digital product success. It’s responsible for creating compelling illustrations, brand design, character design and explainer videos that engage users. It translates complex ideas into clear and engaging visual representations, making it easy to understand and navigate the product. Its work also reinforces brand identity and can stay in the users’ memory long after they’ve used a product.

At 10Clouds, we’re proud to have world class visual designers in our midst. We’ve received many awards for our work, and collectively we have more than 50 mln views on Dribbble. We devote significant effort to understand your brand's mission, vision, values, and target audience before incorporating visual solutions into your brand strategy to deliver the most impact.

Our Lead Illustrator, Igor Kozak, says: “To quote Vincent Van Gogh: ‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together’. Our Visual Team takes care of even the smallest aspects of the products we create to deliver a powerful outcome.”

Our design process at 10Clouds in a nutshell

At 10Clouds, we have a well-defined design process that involves three key phases to ensure we create a product that meets your business needs:


Firstly, we start with the discovery phase, where we conduct a workshop with you to gain a deep understanding of your business, the sector you operate in, and your product idea. This helps us to design a product that not only meets your requirements but also aligns with your business strategy. During this phase, we ask questions, listen, and learn as much as we can about your business. Our aim is to get a comprehensive understanding of what you want to achieve so that we can gather our tools and make it happen.

The core design phase

The core design phase. This is where we roll up our sleeves and start working on your project. We’ll be in touch at various stages of the journey to ensure that you are happy with the progress being made. We may also offer suggested improvements and address any questions or concerns you might have.


Finally, we move on to the validation phase. We always perform our own internal tests, but we also encourage you to do your own to ensure that you’re entirely happy with the finished product. This method of working saves money because ultimately, you don't invest anything in development until you're absolutely sure that it works!

Looking for outstanding design support for your product?

Let’s have a conversation about how we can support you.

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