

Angular (commonly referred to as Angular 2+) is an open-source framework for building client-side applications using HTML5 and TypeScript. It’s more opinionated and feature-complete than other competitive frameworks, reducing the burden of choosing many tools required to develop modern applications, like which HTTP client, router or state management solution to use. The Angular Material library of components enables us to rapidly create apps using Angular.


The main uses of Angular:

Single page applications with dynamic content

Complex applications with heavy user interactions, like CMS or ERP systems

SEO friendly applications with use of server-side rendering technology (Angular Universal)

01 Easier creation of connecting code

which can be easily understood by various team members and new developers

02 A great tooling built-in

to kickstart the project and ease development

03 Promotes reusability

as components of similar nature are well encapsulated, in other words, self-sufficient and therefore reusable

04 Uses TypeScript

that helps write bug-free code


Devs skilled in this


Projects that use this technology


of lines of code

Angular has been around for more than a decade now and continues to gain popularity for eliminating unnecessary code and ensuring lighter and faster apps. With its many benefits, it's not surprising that the front-end framework is today used by almost half of software developers for building user interfaces.
Paweł Topór
JavaScript Developer