How AI drives ‘Time to Value’ at 10Clouds

08.05.2024 | 4 min read

Over the past 24 months, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in the application of generative AI across various facets of life, revolutionizing workplaces and driving innovation at an unprecedented pace. At 10Clouds, we recognized the transformative potential of AI early on and swiftly integrated it into our daily operations to deliver enhanced value to our clients.

In a recent internal survey conducted at 10Clouds, we sought to gain insights into the adoption of AI tools among our teams and the impact they have had on driving efficiencies in their work.

AI use at 10Clouds – The results

The headline results of the survey revealed a profound embrace of AI technologies among our team members, with nearly 89% utilizing AI tools in their day-to-day tasks. Among the most popular tools cited were ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, JetBrains AI, Cursor, and our very own AI Console.

What's more, all respondents unanimously agreed that these AI tools have significantly accelerated their workflow, enabling them to work faster and more efficiently.

Let's delve into some of the insightful comments provided by our team members regarding their experience with AI tools:

  • Speed and efficiency: Many respondents highlighted how AI tools have expedited their work processes, making tasks such as analysis, code refactoring, and debugging much faster and more streamlined.
  • Enhanced productivity: The integration of AI tools, particularly GitHub Copilot and AIConsole, has substantially increased productivity by reducing context switching and aiding in various tasks such as file manipulation, image conversions, and code completion.
  • Versatility and support: AI tools were praised for their versatility in supporting a wide range of tasks, from writing documentation and generating tests to simplifying repetitive changes and problem-solving.

The human touch: People at the heart of innovation

The survey also found that while AI tools undoubtedly play a pivotal role in streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency, it's essential to recognize that creativity and innovation ultimately reside in the hands of our team members.

Our 10Clouders possess the unique ability to conceptualize, design, and execute innovative solutions that address complex challenges and drive meaningful impact. AI tools serve as valuable collaborators, augmenting our developers' capabilities and enabling them to work more effectively.

However, it's the ingenuity, expertise, and creativity of our team members that truly distinguish our work and drive our success.

Generated by AI Console

Unlocking value for clients at every step

At 10Clouds, we've always been committed to delivering value to our clients at every stage of the product process, and now we're harnessing the power of AI to boost it even further. Here's how we're optimizing our approach just for you:

Getting it right from the very start

We start by listening closely to your needs. Using transcripts of our conversations with you, we create a concise summary of your requirements using advanced AI technology. This summary acts as a roadmap for our journey together, ensuring that we're aligned every step of the way.

When we kick things off, we're not just chatting; we're tuning into your vision with the keenest attention. It's about transforming our conversations—every word, every pause—into a structured blueprint that guides us towards your dream.

Speeding up the estimation and planning process

With our AI-powered tools, we've revolutionized our product development process, enabling us to kickstart projects faster than ever. By swiftly generating drafts based on our discussions, we're diving into building your product promptly, saving you valuable time and bringing you closer to your goals sooner.

Thanks to our streamlined approach, there's no more wasted time. Our meetings are highly efficient, complete with transcripts and agent-assisted outputs containing client rationale, epics, user stories, and schematics, ensuring that offers are generated automatically with no delays.

Crafting a clear vision

Our understanding of your needs forms the foundation of our product vision. This ensures that we're on the same page from day one, setting the stage for a successful collaboration. With clear expectations established upfront, we can move forward confidently, knowing that we're working towards the same objectives.It's one thing to listen, but another to truly hear you. We know how to distill your thoughts into a crystal-clear vision.

Mapping out the journey

With the guidance of our experienced product managers, we translate our insights into a strategic roadmap. This roadmap outlines the path to turning your vision into reality, providing a clear plan for our development teams to follow. By integrating AI-driven insights into this process, we ensure that every step we take aligns with your unique needs and preferences.

​​Mapping this journey is a collaborative venture where our team, armed with AI insights, plot a course that's as unique as your vision.

Designing with you in mind

Even after the initial discussions, AI continues to inform our design decisions. By incorporating your feedback and preferences into our user stories, we ensure that our designs are tailored specifically to your needs. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of the product is designed with you in mind, delivering solutions that truly resonate with you and your users.

Unlocking the future with 10Clouds – Your AI journey begins here

As we stand on the cusp of an AI-driven future, the question arises: How can you harness the power of AI in your business to elevate productivity, enhance customer service, or unlock new horizons?

10Clouds can help. With our expertise and passion for innovation, we are poised to guide you through the AI landscape, helping you seize the transformative potential it offers.

Reach out today to find out more.

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