Working in the 10Clouds Marketing Team

13.11.2020 | 4 min read

At 10Clouds, we're on a mission to help clients change the world through technology. But what does this mean in practice? How do we generate interest in our brand, acquire new clients and support with the recruitment of the top talent in Poland?

Below, I’d like to give you a little insight into the work of our Marketing Team, the different roles within it and some of the tools and processes of our work.

Remote or in office?

We’ve always been a hybrid team, working partly in the office, and partly from home, which enables us to get the perfect mix of focus, and team interaction. We enjoy teamwork and bouncing ideas off each other, which means that even in the current climate when we’ve worked much more remotely, we’ve met daily to share thoughts and ideas on campaigns.

We enjoy teamwork and bouncing ideas off each other, which means that even in the current climate when we’ve worked much more remotely, we’ve met daily to share thoughts and ideas on campaigns.

Pre-pandemic, when we were in the office more frequently, we would hang out together at lunchtimes, or pop out for a coffee. Now, when this isn’t possible, we make sure we have a weekly catch up to chat about all the other areas of our lives that are not related to work!

Our marketing channels

We work across the marketing mix, using a mixture of content, digital, social media and email marketing, as well as supporting the sales team with their materials. We have a dual focus of building up our sales pipeline and supporting the recruitment of the best possible talent to 10Clouds.

Our Team Goals

We want to increase our revenue by 40% in 2021 and are particularly looking to build our FinTech service line, and acquire new Mobile and Design clients. We’re also looking to build up our digital marketing capabilities, which is why we’ve recently recruited a Growth Hacker position into the team.

The different roles on the team

Below, you can find a short introduction to our team members and get an overview of the work that we do.

Ada Wardzała - Team Leader

What I do in a nutshell: I help our team create and perform great campaigns that raise awareness about 10Clouds. We are working extremely closely with the sales team and HR team to address their needs. I also make sure our internal communication is on point and work on new ideas on how to help our company grow in a responsible way.

The best thing about my job: I can learn from my mistakes and within the company I will always find a helping hand to tackle a certain challenge. There is a lot of knowledge within the company and our developers and designers are willing to share it and participate in creating great content.

Ewa Józefkowicz - Content Marketing Manager

What I do in a nutshell: I look after 10Clouds’ content, which includes being the product owner of our website, managing the company blog and Medium profile, as well as our guest posts on other tech publications. I also work closely with the Sales Team to ensure that they have the best, most up-to-date materials for client meetings and presentations.

The best thing about my job: Working closely with so many talented and experienced team-members on interesting content related to everything from machine learning to UX and UI design. I feel like I learn something new every day!

Gosia Janiak - Social Media Specialist

What I do in a nutshell: I am responsible for Social Media communication and campaigns in 10Clouds. This includes the distribution and promotion of the content that we write on our blog and supporting both recruitment and sales through campaigns across a range of channels. Social media forms a core part of our external communication and brand building.

The best thing about my job: Working both creatively and analytically, which provides me with a variety of challenges. Thanks to that mix, I never get bored.

Dominika Suska - Marketing Specialist

What I do in a nutshell: I make sure that all the numbers connected to lead generation are perfectly intact in our CRM and all the performance and reviewing reports I create for the marketing team give meaningful insights. My job is also to automate as many marketing processes as possible. From outbound campaigns and the company newsletter to chatbots and app integrations.

The best thing about my job: I love the analytical side of my job and discovering hidden trends while creating performance reports. Also, I feel very accomplished when my automations turn out to be successful.

Join Us!

We’re a super friendly team, with a diverse mix of interests, backgrounds and skills - and we’re always willing to share what we’ve learnt and help each other out to build successful campaigns, as well as having a good laugh, because work isn’t all about being serious, right?

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