Unleashing Success: The Powerhouse Role of Account Execs and Managers at 10Clouds

14.07.2023 | 6 min read

Account Manager and Account Execs

In today's fast-paced business environment, successful product delivery requires a well-coordinated effort from a team of experts. Among these professionals, the role of an Account Executive and Manager stands out as a crucial link between the client and the skilled individuals involved in the product journey. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Account Execs and Managers and their responsibilities in ensuring a smooth and successful product delivery process. We’ll also show you some of the skills of our 10Clouds Account Team, which we believe can help build an outstanding digital product with a high chance of market success.

Why is the role of an Account Manager and Exec crucial to digital product success?

Account Managers and Execs at 10Clouds play a pivotal part in ensuring your project's success. As your dedicated advocates, they bridge the gap between you and the development team, facilitating clear communication, understanding, and alignment throughout the entire process. They then stay with you throughout the project management process, addressing any challenges. Ultimately, they ensure that your vision is realized, resulting in the delivery of an exceptional product that meets or even exceeds your expectations.

Why are 10Clouds Account Execs and Managers exceptional?

Specialized Area Knowledge: Our Account Executives and Managers possess expertise in various areas, including Design and Web3, as well as Enterprise solutions and increasingly, AI. This specialization allows us to provide targeted insights and recommendations tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Seniority and Experience: Every member of our Account Executive and Manager team is a seasoned professional. With hundreds of commercial projects behind us, we have a wealth of experience to draw upon. This depth of expertise allows us to navigate complex challenges, make well-informed decisions, and deliver successful outcomes.

Going Above and Beyond: At 10Clouds, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Our Account Executives and Managers are dedicated to going the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. We are committed to efficiency, timely project delivery, and exceeding expectations. Our track record of success demonstrates our ability to consistently achieve these goals.

Smart Pricing and Flexibility: We understand the importance of accommodating different project needs and budgets. We offer a smart pricing model that can be tailored to each individual product. For example, if you choose to develop an MVP with us, we waive the cost of the initial discovery workshop. This provides a no-obligation opportunity to assess your digital product needs and receive a comprehensive report, regardless of whether you decide to continue the cooperation.

Continuous learning: We prioritize continuous learning and knowledge sharing. Through our weekly knowledge-sharing sessions, our Account Managers and Executives have the opportunity to meet with experts in Web, Mobile, and Design. This grants us insider knowledge about the latest trends, technologies, and industry best practices, enabling us to offer informed advice and deliver superior solutions.

Our Senior Account Executive, Edgar Czop, has been at 10Clouds for three and a half years. This is how he summarizes his role:

In the world of sales, success is not determined by the number of closed deals, but by the relationships forged and the trust built with clients. As a Sales Account Executive, remember that the true measure of your impact lies in the empowerment and success you bring to those you serve.

Embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, and never lose sight of the value you bring. Believe in yourself, believe in your product, and let your passion drive you to achieve greatness!

How do Account Managers advocate for clients at 10Clouds?

Building Relationships

Our Account Managers play a vital role in establishing a strong relationship between the client and the development team. They act as a liaison, ensuring effective communication, understanding client expectations, and aligning them with the capabilities of the development team.

Project Management

10Clouds Account Managers oversee the progress of projects, ensuring that it remains on track and within the defined scope. They coordinate with the development team, addressing any issues or challenges that arise during the product delivery process. Their keen eye for detail and ability to manage timelines and resources are instrumental in ensuring timely and successful project completion.

Here’s what Gabriel Cordido, one of 10Clouds Account Managers, has to say about this side of his role:

We are the voice of the client within the organization. Acting as advocates, ensuring that their objectives are met and helping bring context to their business needs.

One of the most satisfying parts of my role is seeing a client overcome a particular challenge with their product and knowing that I was able to help.

Client Satisfaction

One of the primary responsibilities of our Account Manager is to ensure client satisfaction. They serve as the advocate for the client within the development team, ensuring that their requirements and feedback are properly communicated and addressed. By maintaining a strong client relationship, Account Executives can identify opportunities for improvement and provide ongoing support.

Continuous Collaboration

Throughout the product journey, the Account Manager fosters continuous collaboration between the client and the development team. They facilitate regular meetings, discussions, and feedback sessions, ensuring that everyone remains aligned on project goals and objectives. This collaborative approach promotes transparency, trust, and a shared sense of ownership, leading to a more successful product delivery process.

So what are your first steps in the 10Clouds product journey?

If you’re looking to start a project with us, you’ll go through several key steps.

Meeting with our Account Executive

You will have a chance to discuss your business idea, share your expectations, experiences and constraints, and find out more about the 10Clouds agile approach to product delivery.

Meeting with our experts

You will be invited to a creative session with our business and technical experts to define details of your product and your plan to get on the market. We will also make some initial technical and business assumptions that will help us to define the best approach to kick-off the delivery process. Our team of professionals will analyze all your business needs to give you the best advice about product delivery.

First proposal

Based on our conversation we will share our initial custom proposition with you. Together we will iterate on it to reach the optimum approach that will allow you to get results as fast as possible.

Kick-off with the stage most suited to your needs

Having established the stage of the product delivery process at which it makes most sense to begin work, we will kickstart the process together with a dedicated team.

Looking for outstanding Product Delivery support?

Find out more about how we work and let’s have a conversation about how we can support you.

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